You must fill out the registration form when purchasing a workshop or retreat. In order to be registered fully you must have purchased your retreat / workshop here AND have filled out this form completely.
We can take payment via PayPal (click the squares below) or by Check.
For those that would like to pay by check, please mail to the following address.
You must still complete the registration form even when paying via check.
Lisa Crawford
c/o Grace Full Living
1514 Ballard Drive
Crozet, VA 22932
Please note: For each retreat there are 4 Single Rooms and 12 Double Rooms. The single rooms do sell out faster, so please specify if that is what you prefer in the Registration Form and we can get back to you if they have sold out.
Please contact if you have any questions.
Click to pay via PayPal and send to
Please note which retreat you are booking in your payment and in the Registration Form.